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Writer's pictureDenise Fletcher

What is in Your Staff Files? For Licensing to See?

  • There are times licensing will look through your staff files! A reported injury, a complaint, or a plain old yearly visit (which can be up to 3 months early).

  • Make sure there is NOTHING in a staff file that is not their business and propriety to your business! Any staff related health issues, any performance plans, observations and any documentation about a staff members performance!

  • My suggestion is that you have a staff file for licensing and one for your center that holds all of your school/company requirements.

The "STAFF RECORDS FORM" that licensing uses has a minimum of 31 items listed for a staff file for a teacher. That includes the PDIS trainings, several that expire!

Staff files are a HUGE administrative burden!

I have a system in place and can help you ensure your staff files are compliant! Call me! 303.518.0785. Email me!

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