The regs can be a bit confusing on all things topical. I know we are nearing the end of July,
but we never stop applying sunscreen. I would HIGHLY suggest you have a new form filled out every year (or as changes are made) for sunscreen/diaper cream. I attached a form I took from the state site. Anything topical must have a parent permission. Reach out if you have any questions!
A. The center must obtain written authorization and instructions from the parent(s)/guardian(s) for
the application of sunscreen or the use of another form of parent(s)/guardian(s) approved sun
protection with a full-spectrum ultraviolet A/ ultraviolet B (UVA/UVB) rating of sun protection factor
(SPF) thirty (30) or greater to their children's exposed skin prior to outside play year-round. a
doctor's permission is not needed to use sunscreen at the center.